
Friday, March 18, 2011

Potato Burrito

This recipe was inspired by one of my favorite Bellingham staples, the Potato Burrito at Casa Que Pasa.  Casa Que Pasa is a typical mexican dive and their potato burrito is why people go there.  Ask anyone in Bellingham and there's a 98% chance they've had it.  Ask them what makes it special?  They'll say the sauce.  And it's true.  I mean, the crispy fried potatoes help a lot (there is never anything wrong with that), but the sauce really does set it apart.  So tonight, I decided to try to replicate this delcious masterpiece as best as I could - and honestly, I got closer than I thought!  It was SO delicious!  My focus here with writing this recipe really is just on the sauce and the potatoes.  We'll get to other burrito toppings later. And{confession}, I actually used smaller tortillas for more of a soft taco, but the concept is really the same and you can use either.  To any non-Bellingham locals: I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.  To my Belling-homies: I hope I'm not slandering the potato burrito reputation and that this does live up to expectation I'm setting before you.  Recipe bonus:  you'll most likely have a lot of the ingredients on hand!

Potato Burrito
Serves 2 (about 4 burritos)

For the sauce:
1 c. sour cream or thick mexican crema
1 and 1/2 tsp. chili powder
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/3 tsp. ground cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp. onion powder
1/4 tsp. paprika

In a small saucepan over warm/low heat, add the sour cream and stir in the all of the following ingredients.  Continue to stir frequently, until the sauce melts down and thins out.  Be sure to not heat at much higher of a temperature because you don't want the sour cream to curdle.  Keep warm until ready to serve.  Meanwhile, make the potatoes.

For the potatoes:
1 large russet potato
1 Tbs + 1 tsp corn starch
3/4 tsp. chili powder
3/4 tsp. garlic powder
1/4 tsp. ground corriander
1/4 tsp. ground cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp. kosher salt
1/4 tsp. fresh ground pepper
1/3 c. finely diced red onion
vegetable or canola oil

Clean the potato and dice into a 1/2 inch cubes.  Place in a medium bowl.  Toss w/ all of the spices/seasonings.  Heat about 1/2 Tbs veg. or canola oil in a large skillet over medium to medium-high heat until oil is shimmery.  Once well heated, toss in the potatoes.  Stir somewhat frequently, but always return to a single layer to let crisp up.  After potatoes cook about 5 minutes, toss in the onion.  Cook for another 5-10 minutes, until potatoes are crisp and cooked through.

Once the potatos and sauce are ready - you're ready to dress your burrito!  Here is what I did, but feel free to change it up.  I heated a tortilla and started by laying down some warmed refried beans, followed by potatoes and cheese (cheddar and monterey jack).  I then broiled it for a minute to melt the cheese.  Lastly, I finished it with the sauce along with roasted (and peeled) poblano strips, tomato and avocado.  If you don't know how to easily roast a poblano, visit this recent recipe of mine where I explain how to do it.  Like I said, feel free to add/delete toppings as you like as long as the sauce and potatoes are a staple.  You're going to love it!


  1. oooooooohhhhhhhh...delicious. in california, they don't believe that potatoes belong in burritos. they are obviously wrong and i will prove it with this recipe.

  2. CLEARly!!! Hope this helps you wow your Californian friends! If you try it, let me know how it turns out!

  3. I am totally making these this week! I never liked potatoes until I was pregnant with Clara, had my first potato burrito from CQP, and have loved potatoes ever since :) Now I crave potato burritos!! I have been thinking of these since you posted this blog post a few days ago

  4. That's exciting Julie! Let me know how they turn out...hope you like them!!!

  5. i love you for posting this. i lived in bellingham for seven years and, aside from the people, i'm not sure there's anything i miss more than casa's potato sauce. i'll be trying your recipe ASAP and can't wait to see how it stacks up.

  6. Please let me know what you think - you might get a slightly more similar dish if you actually fry the potatoes, but the flavors of the potatoes and sauce are pretty darn there I think. Beyond that, I added a couple extra things to make it my own (besides the Casa staple of beans and cheese).

  7. WOW! You almost nailed it! This recipe was absolutely delicious... I made it for dinner this evening and it was fantastic. There's something missing from the sauce (compared to the flavor of Casa Que Pasa's)... no idea what it is, but your recipe was very close and delicious in its own right. Thanks again for posting... I'll be making this again!

  8. Thank you so much!! That is a a HUGE compliment! Glad you enjoyed it!!!
